Hey blog! Its me again. Today I will be adding our film onto the website I've been building since the beginning of our journey. So lets get started. The website was organized into separate pieces so it was easier for the audience to view and so they can process the film in an order that will make them engaged. We wanted the film to be towards the top of the website and add the postcard underneath because we wanted it to be the first thing people see when they open the website. Adding it was a difficult process and we had to search up how to embed a video onto a website so it could play when the mouse goes over the play button. I was able to embed it and it looked perfect in that position. I then added the description and proceeded to add the postcard my partner Mariana had made. We wanted to double check how our film and website looked in the eyes of others so we each asked one person to view our package. I asked my sister to view the website and the film. She enjoyed the layout o...