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"SHE'S HERE" Short Film design/DAGhSo0UBoA/ 4ApFXWvijeaXEo6lOXq4oQ/edit? utm_content=DAGhSo0UBoA&utm_ campaign=designshare&utm_ medium=link2&utm_source= sharebutton
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Production Blog: Finalizing the website

 Hey blog! Its me again. Today I will be adding our film onto the website I've been building since the beginning of our journey. So lets get started. The website was organized into separate pieces so it was easier for the audience to view and so they can process the film in an order that will make them engaged. We wanted the film to be towards the top of the website and add the postcard underneath because we wanted it to be the first thing people see when they open the website. Adding it was a difficult process and we had to search up how to embed a video onto a website so it could play when the mouse goes over the play button. I was able to embed it and it looked perfect in that position. I then added the description and proceeded to add the postcard my partner Mariana had made. We wanted to double check how our film and website looked in the eyes of others so we each asked one person to view our package. I asked my sister to view the website and the film. She enjoyed the layout o...

Production Blog: iMovie saves the day

 Hey blog! Welcome back. Today I will be resuming the editing journey. I am using the app capcut. In my  previous blog I mentioned how  my capcut began to lag at the worst timing and I decided to let the app rest. Today I will be opening the app again hoping it stopped. As I opened the app the app was unfortunately still lagging. In order to continue on and not waste more time I decided to go to my back-up editing app which was iMovie. I had to redownload iMovie on my desktop and transfer my videos and photos onto my computer. I multitasked and proceeded to do this. After this worked I proceeded on trimming all over again. My film reach the designated time and then I continued onto the harder editing sections. I was rushing this process because I had to let my partner also edit the film and she needed it by tomorrow. After redoing everything I did on capcut before I did the final step I as missing before the app lagged out. This final part was the text of the first two mi...

Production Blog: Reunited with CapCut

 Hey blog! Its me again. Today I will invite you to join my journey on editing. Since I took AS level last year I have several experience with editing. My regular app for editing is capcut, so lets get started. To begin I asked my partner for the film she had because we had originally filmed on her phone. After I received the videos and photos I proceeded to add it in order slowly since I know capcut begins to lag after a certain point which had me second guessing on using this app, however I decided to continue on this. As stated before I started off by adding the videos one by one onto the app in order. After they were all added I trim the scenes so the film could run smoothly and so we could make sure our film was within the time limit. After doing this the film concluded in a time of four minutes and 55 seconds. I then proceeded to add the feature we thought about as we filmed. During the filming process we realized when the mute kid was writing on paper the audience wasn't abl...

Production Blog: Final day filming

 Hi blog! It’s me again. Today I will be discussing our final day filming. We met up at Mariana’s house today again. I checked in with everyone as always. This time i suggested on getting to Mariana’s house at a later time since the scenes we were going to be filming NEEDED to be in the dark. As I arrived the sun was already down so It was perfect. We began to film as soon as possible because we didn’t want to stay too late either. I filmed majority of the close ups and the long shots. I let my partner film the tracking shots and the over the shoulders. During a scene that included a knife we made sure to use extra precautions. The babysitter was going to turn around quickly with the knife and proceed to to look around. Because she turns fast and the child was suppose to be by her side, I agreed that moving the child to the floor away from the babysitter was the safest option. In doing so there had to be added scenes to our film in order for the audience to know where the child wen...

Production Blog: Time to shine

 Hey, blog! It's me again. As said in the previous blog my group and I were supposed to meet on the 15th to film, however, we had problems interfering without plans so we met up on the 17th. When we met up I made sure to bring all the new materials we had agreed on bringing. I suggested on trying to film as many scenes as possible in order to get ahead and go back to our original schedule we had made. Unfortunately as we met up we realized it was too early and the sun was still out a bit. I recommended to wait a little longer however my partner had a meeting to attend for her class so we weren’t able to wait for a long time. We decided to start and as we started it was about sunset hour. As the filming began I noticed that it was still very bright so I had an idea to cover the windows with jackets. This process did work, but unfortunately there wasn’t enough. I also recommended lowering the exposure while filming which worked as intended. We had finished filming and then began our ...

Production Blog: Dress to Impress

 Hey, blog! It's me again. Today, I will be talking about my trip to the mall. We went because we realized we had forgotten to bring the necessities for the evil sister on the second day of filming. So I volunteered to go buy the costumes we needed. I did not know the size of the little girl so I decided to let her tag along. I drove to Galleria Mall and looked inside Macy's first just to find an affordable black dress. Unfortunately, this did not reach the expectations with prices and my partner recommended going to Marshalls, Tjmaxx, or Ross. I then went to these retail stores and the first one I walked into had the inspiration I was looking for. I bought the dress and then proceeded to look for other items we needed. As I looked around in other retail stores I continued to find more dresses and decided to buy one more to pick from. During this process I was concerned I bought too much for our film but when we filmed it ended up working perfectly. The next day my group and I...