Hey blog! Its me again. Today I will invite you to join my journey on editing. Since I took AS level last year I have several experience with editing. My regular app for editing is capcut, so lets get started. To begin I asked my partner for the film she had because we had originally filmed on her phone. After I received the videos and photos I proceeded to add it in order slowly since I know capcut begins to lag after a certain point which had me second guessing on using this app, however I decided to continue on this. As stated before I started off by adding the videos one by one onto the app in order. After they were all added I trim the scenes so the film could run smoothly and so we could make sure our film was within the time limit. After doing this the film concluded in a time of four minutes and 55 seconds. I then proceeded to add the feature we thought about as we filmed. During the filming process we realized when the mute kid was writing on paper the audience wasn't able to see what she was writing. Because of this we thought about making a split screen where you can see the child from the front and where you can see an over the shoulder/ high angle of the child writing.
Hey blog! It’s me again! Today i will present my script for my short film FADE IN SCENE 1 – Living Room at Night A dimly lit suburban home. A storm rumbles outside, rattling the windows. RILEY (19), a babysitter, sits on the couch, lazily scrolling through her phone. LANA (8), a pale and quiet child, sits cross-legged on the floor, drawing in a notebook. RILEY (chuckles) You have been s quiet all Youâ €™ ve been so quiet all night, Lana. You sure youâ €™re not a robot? Lana looks up at her, expression unreadable, then flips her notebook to a blank page and scribbles something. She holds it up: “Sheâ €™s watching.â € RILEY (frowning) Uhâ €¦ whoâ €™s watching? Lana points toward the dark hallway leading to the bedrooms. Riley follows her gazeâ €”just darkness. RILEY Nice try. You trying to freak me out? Lana shakes her head, eyes wi...
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