Hi blog! It’s me again. Today I will be discussing our final day filming. We met up at Mariana’s house today again. I checked in with everyone as always. This time i suggested on getting to Mariana’s house at a later time since the scenes we were going to be filming NEEDED to be in the dark. As I arrived the sun was already down so It was perfect. We began to film as soon as possible because we didn’t want to stay too late either. I filmed majority of the close ups and the long shots. I let my partner film the tracking shots and the over the shoulders. During a scene that included a knife we made sure to use extra precautions. The babysitter was going to turn around quickly with the knife and proceed to to look around. Because she turns fast and the child was suppose to be by her side, I agreed that moving the child to the floor away from the babysitter was the safest option. In doing so there had to be added scenes to our film in order for the audience to know where the child went when she left the babysitters side. This scene was a low angle and a tracking shot. We proceeded to film and I shot the final shot which was a close up of the plot twist character appearing in front of the babysitter and mute child. That’s it for today blog! Until next time. Karina logging off.
Hey blog! It’s me again! Today i will present my script for my short film FADE IN SCENE 1 – Living Room at Night A dimly lit suburban home. A storm rumbles outside, rattling the windows. RILEY (19), a babysitter, sits on the couch, lazily scrolling through her phone. LANA (8), a pale and quiet child, sits cross-legged on the floor, drawing in a notebook. RILEY (chuckles) You have been s quiet all Youâ €™ ve been so quiet all night, Lana. You sure youâ €™re not a robot? Lana looks up at her, expression unreadable, then flips her notebook to a blank page and scribbles something. She holds it up: “Sheâ €™s watching.â € RILEY (frowning) Uhâ €¦ whoâ €™s watching? Lana points toward the dark hallway leading to the bedrooms. Riley follows her gazeâ €”just darkness. RILEY Nice try. You trying to freak me out? Lana shakes her head, eyes wi...
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