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Production Blog: iMovie saves the day

 Hey blog! Welcome back. Today I will be resuming the editing journey. I am using the app capcut. In my  previous blog I mentioned how  my capcut began to lag at the worst timing and I decided to let the app rest. Today I will be opening the app again hoping it stopped. As I opened the app the app was unfortunately still lagging. In order to continue on and not waste more time I decided to go to my back-up editing app which was iMovie. I had to redownload iMovie on my desktop and transfer my videos and photos onto my computer. I multitasked and proceeded to do this. After this worked I proceeded on trimming all over again. My film reach the designated time and then I continued onto the harder editing sections. I was rushing this process because I had to let my partner also edit the film and she needed it by tomorrow. After redoing everything I did on capcut before I did the final step I as missing before the app lagged out. This final part was the text of the first two minutes of our film including our filming production, director, and cast. This process took me about an  hour and thirty to do because I had to find the perfect font for the genre of our film. As I began to finish I received a text from my partner requesting for permission to edit the film. As I finished up I began to send the film over to my partner. The next day she finalized the film and confirmed the film was officially finalized.  We decided to view the final film together and we were satisfied with our work. That's it for today blog! Until next time. I hope when you view our film you enjoy it as much as we did. Karina logging off. 


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