Hey, blog! It's me again. As said in the previous blog my group and I were supposed to meet on the 15th to film, however, we had problems interfering without plans so we met up on the 17th. When we met up I made sure to bring all the new materials we had agreed on bringing. I suggested on trying to film as many scenes as possible in order to get ahead and go back to our original schedule we had made. Unfortunately as we met up we realized it was too early and the sun was still out a bit. I recommended to wait a little longer however my partner had a meeting to attend for her class so we weren’t able to wait for a long time. We decided to start and as we started it was about sunset hour. As the filming began I noticed that it was still very bright so I had an idea to cover the windows with jackets. This process did work, but unfortunately there wasn’t enough. I also recommended lowering the exposure while filming which worked as intended. We had finished filming and then began our editing journey. That's it for today blog! Until next time. Karina logging off.
Hey, blog! It's me again. As said in the previous blog my group and I were supposed to meet on the 15th to film, however, we had problems interfering without plans so we met up on the 17th. When we met up I made sure to bring all the new materials we had agreed on bringing. I suggested on trying to film as many scenes as possible in order to get ahead and go back to our original schedule we had made. Unfortunately as we met up we realized it was too early and the sun was still out a bit. I recommended to wait a little longer however my partner had a meeting to attend for her class so we weren’t able to wait for a long time. We decided to start and as we started it was about sunset hour. As the filming began I noticed that it was still very bright so I had an idea to cover the windows with jackets. This process did work, but unfortunately there wasn’t enough. I also recommended lowering the exposure while filming which worked as intended. We had finished filming and then began our editing journey. That's it for today blog! Until next time. Karina logging off.
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