Hey blog! it's me again. I had just finished my commercial, and there is a lot I learned to do. For example, the technology. I learned to use the editing website on computer, it is NOT the same as phone. It took me a while to learn how to use but I ended up watching a few videos on it and it really came out well. I believe the best app to use is CapCut because it is the easiest editing app I have used, and almost everything is free. The items you have to pay for aren't really needed for most things you will need for your videos. The app comes with a tutorial and it's basic. Even though the app is basic there still a lot I learned, like my end credits, my goal was to make it scroll like they do at the end if movies and I kept on looking at the effects and animations that the app gives to you, but I figured out yo had to do it by scratch. Putting this project together I discovered that it is very important to put a plan together and have...