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production blog for my commercial

     Hey blog! it’s me again. This is my second day working on my commercial. The last thing I worked on was getting all my videos and photos in chronological order. My goal today was to make everything fit with my songs. I have picked 2 school appropriate songs. Before adding my songs I will be fixing the videos and photos. I decided I wanted to insert photos while a video is playing to save time. the photos inserted in the videos will relate to the video so they don't look out of place. To add the photos to the video I overlaid the photos then slid them underneath the video, then I cropped the photo length so it matches the same amount of the video or the amount that reached my satisfaction. After overlaying it was time to add the songs. I split each song 30 seconds each. I chose parts of the songs that are significant to me. 

To arrange the songs I cropped them and slid them where I wanted them to be. Before adding text I watched my commercial as it was and marked down where to add text. After marking down my mom called me to g run errands, that's when there was a much better song choice. We go in the car and I heard a song on the radio that I completely forgot about, I was obsessed with this song. Once I got home I ran to add the song besides another. I changed the songs and I felt WAY more satisfied with what I had. Looking at the time I realized I had to go to sleep, so I wrapped up what I was working on and decided to add the text next time. I saved then closed the app and went to sleep. That's it for now blog! till next time. Karina logging off. 


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