Hey blog! it's me again. I had just finished my commercial, and there is a lot I learned to do. For example, the technology. I learned to use the editing website on computer, it is NOT the same as phone. It took me a while to learn how to use but I ended up watching a few videos on it and it really came out well. I believe the best app to use is CapCut because it is the easiest editing app I have used, and almost everything is free. The items you have to pay for aren't really needed for most things you will need for your videos. The app comes with a tutorial and it's basic. Even though the app is basic there still a lot I learned, like my end credits, my goal was to make it scroll like they do at the end if movies and I kept on looking at the effects and animations that the app gives to you, but I figured out yo had to do it by scratch.
Putting this project together I discovered that it is very important to put a plan together and have a layout in your end to follow, this will make it easy for you to get through the making process faster. It is also important to make sure you have gathered everything you will need in your camera roll so you can just add it and not go on a search mid way trying to find the photos and videos you may need. I also figured out the way of actually making everything sync up together. At first it was really off beat and it made the whole video look off. Syncing the video with your sound makes a huge difference to your video. Finally I learned that procrastinating is not always the best option. I see a lot of my friends procrastinate and the image they had in their head of their video does not end p coming out how they want because they wasted all the time they had. Therefore starting early is important to reach your goal in the video.
To improve my next project I believe I could stick to my layout a bit more because there was a lot I changed in my commercial. I personally feel I didn't start too late on my video but I could spent so much more time on it to make it more smooth, so another improvement I can make is starting earlier. I could learn more about the editing app I use, or discover more editing apps to improve my videos a lot more. This will help a lot with the results of m videos. The final thing I would improve is making my video more smoother. I feel like it will make the video not look overloaded and calm, it will catch more attention. That's it for today blog, till next time. Karina logging off.
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