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Production blog: Finding our music

 Hey blog! its me again.  After my group mates and I finished editing we only had the music part left. We all agreed with using free music instead of asking for copyrights because it would be risky and could take way longer. We went on Royalty Free music. We decided to split up and find our own songs that we were looking for and vote on the best one. I opened royalty free music on youtube and searched up the theme of the song we were looking for. I went through at least 25 videos before finding the first one. As I listened to the songs and audios I pictured and played the film we made. After finding my first one it took me a while to find the next 3. At first I was relieved to find at least one, 5 minutes later i found the second one. It took me really long to find the third one i was close to giving up. I searched for hours to find one. This was probably one of the most hardest things to find for my final task. I decided to take a break after 7 videos because i began to get frustrated. I went to the kitchen to get a few snacks and come back to continue looking. After 3 more videos I finally found the right video. This helped me become less stressful. Afterwards I realized we needed about 3 small effect sounds as well. These were not as difficult to find. After giving my group time as well and we reunited to compare our songs. Most of our songs were the same and some were different. We agreed on the ones that were the same. After that I listened to my groupmate's' that were different. We officially picked the ones we needed and proceeded to add it on to the film. That's it for today blog! Until next time. Karina logging off.


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