Hey blog, its me again. My group and I got together over the weekend to confirm our planning before heading to the carnival. It was a week before going and I was in charge of bringing props we would us for the film. One of the props I brought for the film was a black hoodie for Makenna, I brought this because she was a "stalker" in the film and we needed her to look as mysterious as possible. Another prop we planned to use for this character was a plain black mask because the face reveal of the character would be at the very end. I was not able to find a black mask and moved to our alternate plan and used a scarf instead. One important thing that was needed for the film was a photo album of the character so my group and I made an album of gathered photos that we could scroll through for that scene. I reminded my group to bring money and a wallet when paying for a ticket and carnival games. This would help make the audience of the film understand what we are purchasing for. After I checked off all the props that we would be using in the film I went over my script alone and even with y sister. I also went over my script with my groupmate that I would be saying this script to. My groupmate and I went over the script at least five times each scene. The costumes we used in the film were designated for each character. For example me and my groupmate we played the two friends and we each wore bright colors and made the outfit look like summer time. Meanwhile the "stalker" wore dark colors and was all covered up. After establishing this with my group it was finalized the day of and we began to film the next week. We did this color separation to tell a difference between us. It also helps the audience understand each character better with the color of their clothes. That's it for today blog! Until next time. Karina logging off.
Hey blog, its me again. My group and I got together over the weekend to confirm our planning before heading to the carnival. It was a week before going and I was in charge of bringing props we would us for the film. One of the props I brought for the film was a black hoodie for Makenna, I brought this because she was a "stalker" in the film and we needed her to look as mysterious as possible. Another prop we planned to use for this character was a plain black mask because the face reveal of the character would be at the very end. I was not able to find a black mask and moved to our alternate plan and used a scarf instead. One important thing that was needed for the film was a photo album of the character so my group and I made an album of gathered photos that we could scroll through for that scene. I reminded my group to bring money and a wallet when paying for a ticket and carnival games. This would help make the audience of the film understand what we are purchasing for. After I checked off all the props that we would be using in the film I went over my script alone and even with y sister. I also went over my script with my groupmate that I would be saying this script to. My groupmate and I went over the script at least five times each scene. The costumes we used in the film were designated for each character. For example me and my groupmate we played the two friends and we each wore bright colors and made the outfit look like summer time. Meanwhile the "stalker" wore dark colors and was all covered up. After establishing this with my group it was finalized the day of and we began to film the next week. We did this color separation to tell a difference between us. It also helps the audience understand each character better with the color of their clothes. That's it for today blog! Until next time. Karina logging off.
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