In this music video I have learned a lot from my groupmate's and technology. The process wasnt easy but it was done. In our music video my group and I decided to challenge the conventions. In the genre most of it follows what the song is saying or shows two scenes but goes back and forth. In our music video we made a script in which we acted out what the song felt like for us. One meaning we had of the song was drifting apart from a relationship and learning to let go, the other was realizing your actions and feeling guilt after. An issue this music video represented was jealousy and how it can come over your actions. The girl (maddie) realized that her friend and boyfriend were cheating behind her back and she took action by drowning the girl. A group this video could affect would be jealous people or people who cheat and lead people on. It could help them to understand how their actions can really affect people from the other side and be considerate. This music vid...