Hey blog! it’s me again. In the previous blog I began my editing for my film. I continued the rest of the editing today for my part. I started off by watching what I had already. After seeing what I was missing I gathered the clips together and continued by adding them and cropping them as I go. After I completed dong this I watched the video and made sure the length of the video was not too long. I re-watched the video about 3 times. I confirmed the video with my group mates before carrying on. After they confirmed I Proceeded with making sure the quality of the video was good. I did this because it would help with out the video comes out and it will help my group mates with their part of the editing. I emailed my groupmates the video so the quality would come out better for them. Before I did this y final part from my end on editing was to gather the voice overs of my groupmates and myself and add them to the video. I asked each of them individually for their voice overs. I did one person at a time. After I did my groupmates voice overs I did mine. I attempted to voice over o the app but it was a little more complicated than it looked. Therefore I did the same thing my groupmates did for their voice over. I did mine last because I could record mine over and over to make it fit than ask my groupmates to because that would make it more complicated. After I finished this I sent it to my partners. That's it for today blog! until next time, Karina logging off.
Hey blog! it’s me again. In the previous blog I began my editing for my film. I continued the rest of the editing today for my part. I started off by watching what I had already. After seeing what I was missing I gathered the clips together and continued by adding them and cropping them as I go. After I completed dong this I watched the video and made sure the length of the video was not too long. I re-watched the video about 3 times. I confirmed the video with my group mates before carrying on. After they confirmed I Proceeded with making sure the quality of the video was good. I did this because it would help with out the video comes out and it will help my group mates with their part of the editing. I emailed my groupmates the video so the quality would come out better for them. Before I did this y final part from my end on editing was to gather the voice overs of my groupmates and myself and add them to the video. I asked each of them individually for their voice overs. I did one person at a time. After I did my groupmates voice overs I did mine. I attempted to voice over o the app but it was a little more complicated than it looked. Therefore I did the same thing my groupmates did for their voice over. I did mine last because I could record mine over and over to make it fit than ask my groupmates to because that would make it more complicated. After I finished this I sent it to my partners. That's it for today blog! until next time, Karina logging off.
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