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Movie conventions research: The black phone

    Hey blog! it’s me again, today I will be talking about my genre, mystery, and the elements that are in this genre. I will also be talking about my likes and dislikes on these elements. 


    In this genre some of the elements are suspense, realistic plot, foreshadowing, a villain who is usually not assumed to be the villain, and a resolution. these conventions really bring out to the audience that this is a mystery movie. First were going to start off with my likes.


        In mystery some of my favorite conventions are suspense, and the realistic plot. My all-time favorite is when you don't know who the villain is, and it turns out to be someone who you never suspected. I enjoy these because when they connect it really makes you think throughout the whole movies but not in a bad way. Now that we have discussed my likes with this genre, less talk about my dislikes.


    let’s start off with, the foreshadowing. The foreshadowing shows a lot of prediction, although this would be one of my least dislikes because I like the connection it makes with the end and the beginning. Another thing I do not like is when the resolution isn't exactly a resolution, and they end it off with a cliff hanger. 


    Thats it for today blog! until next time. Karina logging off.


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