blog! I'm back. For my final task I have decided to work with the same people I
did last time. My friends Makenna Ricks, Madeline Merrick, we added someone
else named Jennifer Hernandez. I have known Maddie for 7 years and Makenna for
at least 3. I met Jennifer this school year and it has been an absolute honor
being friends with her. We decided to add more people in our group because
there were moments where we needed another person to film certain angles. I
decided to work with these people because we get work done but have fun at the
same time. We have similar ideas and always come to an agreement in the end. I
truly enjoyed working with Makenna and Maddie for my previous project and
adding Jennifer will make this exam more incredible. In this final task my
group and I will be working on making a 2-minute intro with dialogue and
titles. We have started to decide if we wanted to use music by an artist or use
free music on royalty free. The main difficulty when picking the artist is
getting the permission accepted, it takes time for producers and even the
artist to get back to you. Therefore, we have decided to make royalty our first
option choice with the music and a song as our second. If the artist approves
and it is within time, we will most likely decide to choose the song, but its
also important to play it safe. So far on what we have worked on has been a
great experience with this group. I see a great process coming along already. I hope you enjoy are upcoming ideas. That’s
it for today blog! Until next time, Karina logging off.
Hey blog! It’s me again! Today i will present my script for my short film FADE IN SCENE 1 – Living Room at Night A dimly lit suburban home. A storm rumbles outside, rattling the windows. RILEY (19), a babysitter, sits on the couch, lazily scrolling through her phone. LANA (8), a pale and quiet child, sits cross-legged on the floor, drawing in a notebook. RILEY (chuckles) You have been s quiet all Youâ €™ ve been so quiet all night, Lana. You sure youâ €™re not a robot? Lana looks up at her, expression unreadable, then flips her notebook to a blank page and scribbles something. She holds it up: “Sheâ €™s watching.â € RILEY (frowning) Uhâ €¦ whoâ €™s watching? Lana points toward the dark hallway leading to the bedrooms. Riley follows her gazeâ €”just darkness. RILEY Nice try. You trying to freak me out? Lana shakes her head, eyes wi...
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